The Web Site for the Magic Realm of words that stir the reader's soul.
Richard Lutman graduated from Windham College, Putney VT, has a MFA in Writing from Vermont College and is listed in the Directory of Poets and Writers. He has taught composition and literature courses at Rhode Island Community College, Fairfield University, The Learning Connection in Providence, Rhode Island, and short story classes as part of Coastal Carolina University's Lifelong Learning program.
He has published over two dozen short stories, three chapbooks, two novellas and one nonfiction book. He was a 2008 Pushcart nominee in fiction and the recipient of national awards for his non-fiction, short stories and screenplays. His novella “Iron Butterfly” was short listed in the 2011 Santa Fe Writer’s Project. His first novel was published in 2016. A collection of his stories was published in January of 2019 and was a finalist in the 2020 American Book Fest: Best Book Awards.
Field Associate (Lepidopterist): The Nature Conservancy, Jamestown, RI.
ADDENDA (1965-1996)
Crazyquilt Providence Review
Aldebaran National Poetry Press
Creative Urge Young Poetry Anthology
Newport Review Anyart
Newport This Week Journal of the West (non fiction)
Aegina Press (Novel) Jamestown Press
1984 Finalist: RI State Council on the Arts
1987 Runner-Up: RI State Council on the Arts
National Writers Club: 2nd place
1989 Honorable Mention: Writers Digest Short Story Competition
1993 Honorable Mention: Writers Digest Short Story Competition
1996 46th place Featured Article Category
Honorable Mention: Writers Digest Short Story Competition
1998 Honorable Mention: Writers Digest Short Story Competition
South Carolina Writers Association: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012
Newport, RI Writer's Conference: 1995
Santa Fe Writer's Conference: 1993
Breadloaf Writer's Conference: 1987
Providence RI Learning Connection: "The Write Business" 1987
Emerson College: "Writing for Profit:" 1986 and 1987
Summer Writers Workshop: University of RI 1981
Vermont College Community College of Rhode Island
Salve Regina College Newport Art Museum
Old Colony House Providence Atheneum
Harold's Bookstore The Blue Pelican
Jamestown Public Library Contributors Reading, Breadloaf
Rhode Island Short Story Club Book promotion tour
Gave lecture on butterflies to students at South China Normal University (1996)