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I have more than (20) years of professional experience as a writer, editor, SQA and test engineer in combat control systems.  I have also taught composition.  I have extensive experience as a writer/editor of technical documentation for hardware and software systems, including technical manuals, user’s guides, performance specifications and manufacturing policies and procedures.  In this capacity, my duties included interaction with the engineering and technical staff, software quality assurance and publications personnel.  As a Project Manager for the Administrative and Technical Services Group I managed graphic, editorial, and word processing staff.  Duties included scheduling of work, document editing, document marking, document reproduction, document formatting, preparation of graphics, preparing activity reports and weekly status reports and customer letters.  Duties as a teacher and published writer included preparing lesson plans, conducting classes, editing student assignments, promoting and marketing.







1.0    GENERAL

Procedures are established and maintained to control and verify the design of Design and Development Planning

The [Design Department] identifies the responsibility for each design and development activity.

Design and development activities are planned.  The plans describe or reference these activities and define responsibility

for their implementation.  The design and development activities are assigned to qualified personnel equipped with

adequate resources.  The plans are updated, as the design evolves.

Required Skills
Teams working in design activity are qualified in the following skills as appropriate:
*    Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing, (GD&T).

*  Quality Function Deployment, (QFD).
*    Design for Manufacturing (DFM)/Design for Assembly, (DFA).
*    Value Engineering, (VE).
*    Design of Experiments, (Taguchi and classical).
*    Failure Mode and Effects Analysis, (DFMEA/PFMEA, etc.).
*    Finite Element Analysis, (FEA).
*    Solid Modeling.
*    Simulation techniques.
*    Computer Aided Design (CAD)/Computer Aided Engineering, (CAE).
*    Reliability Engineering Plans.
Where special knowledge or skills are necessary outside specialists are contracted and used.



Organizational and technical interfaces between different groups are identified and the necessary information documented,

transmitted, and regularly reviewed.

Design input requirements relating to the product including applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are identified,

documented and their selection reviewed for adequacy.  Incomplete, ambiguous or conflicting requirements are resolved

with those responsible for imposing these requirements.

The results of any contract review activities are a consideration of design input.

 Design Input - Supplemental
Appropriate resources and facilities are supplied when computer-aided product design, engineering and analysis are used.

When these functions are subcontracted, technical leadership is supplied by company personnel.  The CAD/CAE systems are

capable of two way interface with customer systems.  The requirement for computer-¬aided systems can be waived by the customer.



The [Design Department] documents and expresses design output in terms of requirements that can be verified

against design input requirements and validated.

Design output: 

meets the design input requirements, contains or reference acceptance criteria, identifies those characteristics of

the design that are crucial to the safe and proper functioning of the product, (such as, operating, storage, handling,

maintenance and disposal requirements).

Design Output-Supplemental
Design output is the result of a process that includes:
•    Efforts to simplify, optimize, innovate, and reduce waste (e.g., methodology, or appropriate alternatives);
•    Utilization of geometric dimensioning and tolerancing as applicable;
•    Analysis of cost/performance/risk trade-offs;
•    Use of feedback from testing, production, and the field;
•    Use of design FMEAs.
Design output documents are reviewed before release.

At appropriate stages of design, formal documented reviews of the design results are planned and conducted.

Participants at each design review represent all functions concerned with the design stage being reviewed

as well as other specialist personnel, as required.

Records of design reviews are maintained.



Design verification is assigned to The [Research and Development Department] and is planned and documented.

At appropriate stages of design, design verification is performed to ensure that the design stage output meets

the design stage input requirements.  The design verification measures shall be recorded.

[Engineering Standard Practice instructions] ensure design output meets the design input requirements by means

of design control measures such as:
a)    holding and recording design reviews;
b)    undertaking qualification tests and demonstrations;
c)    carrying out alternative calculations;
d)    comparing the new design with a similar proven design, if available;
e)     reviewing the design-stage documents before release.

Design Verification - Supplemental

Unless the requirement is waived by the customer or the product being supplied is a standard item a comprehensive

prototype program is performed.  The same subcontractors, tooling and processes are used, as will be used in production

wherever possible.  Performance tests consider and include as appropriate product life, reliability and durability.


Design validation is performed to ensure that product conforms to defined user needs and/or requirements.

NOTE 1 - Design validation follows successful design verification.
NOTE 2 - Validation is normally performed under defined operating conditions.
NOTE 3 - Validation is normally performed on the final product, but may be necessary in earlier stages prior to product completion.
NOTE 4 - Multiple validations may be performed if there are different intended uses.


[Engineering Standard Practice instructions] are established and maintained for the identification, documentation,

and appropriate review and approval of all changes and modifications.

Design Changes - Supplemental
All design changes, including those proposed by subcontractors, have written customer approval, or waiver

of such approval, prior to production implementation.  The Production Part Approval Process Manual and the customer-specific

requirements are used when changes are to be made. For proprietary designs, impact on form, fit, function, performance,

and/or durability are determined with the customer so that all effects can be properly evaluated.



1.    Proper operation of instruments, tools, machinery, and mechanized systems
       required to perform their duties
2.    Reading and understanding the documentation provided.
3.    Relationship of their duties to quality
4.    Objectives and concepts of satisfaction of internal and external customers
5.    Process control, data collection and analysis, problem identification and analysis, corrective action and

      improvement, team working, and  communication methods.

1.    The organizations quality policy
2.    The organizations quality objectives
3.    Role of each individual
4.    Individuals role in team achievement

Term                    Description

Education            The highest level of education required to perform the work.
Experience          The highest amount of experience required to perform the work.
Job description    Tasks, duties, activities, performance standards and decisions.
Job specification Abilities, skills, and knowledge needed to perform the job.

1.    Specific validation tasks for each life cycle activity.
2.    Methods and procedures for each validation task.
3.    Criteria for initiation and completion (acceptance) of each validation task.
4.    Inputs for each validation task.
5.    Outputs for each validation task.
6.    Criteria for defining and documenting outputs in terms that will allow evaluation of their conformance to input                               requirements.

7.    Roles, resources, responsibilities for each task.
8.    Risks and assumptions

Consistently produce a result or product meeting predetermined specifications.
1.    process developed according to design controls.
2.    validation according to process validation.

1.    Acceptance activities performed.
2.    Dates acceptance activities are performed.
3.    Results.
4.    Signature of the individual(s) conducting acceptance activities.
5.    Where appropriate, equipment used



TITLE:    Printed copies are for REFERENCE ONLY.    SHEET 1 OF 3
MATERIAL REVIEW   Always check the latest revision before use.

 Refer to:
Quality Assurance    DATE: 12/19/95



1.0    PURPOSE
    1.1    This procedure describes the system for reviewing materials that have been found to be nonconforming and to order                     appropriate dispositions of those materials.


    2.1    ISO 9002  "Quality Systems--Model for Quality Assurance in Production, Installation and Servicing."
    2.2    QMP4.13.000  “Control of Nonconforming Product.”

    2.3    QMP4.13.001  “Request for Deviation of Waiver.”

    2.4    QMP4.14.000  “Corrective and Preventive Action.”

    2.5    Refer to the Master Index for the appropriate Level III documents where applicable.


3.0    SCOPE

    3.1    The material review process is to be applied to all nonconforming materials.



    4.1    Personnel involved in the material review process are to be Quality, Production Supervisor, and
            where appropriate, the services of other company employees.

    4.2   Quality is responsible for providing a holding area for all nonconforming product.

    4.3   Corrective action can be initiated be initiated by the company, or a supplier can be required to take
            corrective action.

    4.4   The personnel in 4.1 determine the material’s disposition and, where appropriate, secures customer
            concurrence, all of this is recorded on the Discrepancy Report.

    4.5   When applicable, requests for deviations or waivers are processed.


    5.1   Material received for action is to be first examined by Quality Assurance to determine if the material and accompanying               documentation are in order and that the material has been properly tagged and cause of nonconformance is clearly stated               on the DR..  If the material has not been properly tagged or the reason for the nonconformance is not clear, Quality will                 contact the originator.

    5.2   Corrective action is to be initiated as required and indicated on the accompanying DR
    5.3   Authorized disposition is to be decided upon and recorded on the DR and signed by both both Quality and Production.                 Disposition can be in the form of rework or scrap.

    5.4   When required, Quality is responsible for securing the customer’s concurrence to the selected disposition.  Concurrence                is indicated by signature and date.

    5.5   Materials and documentation are now to be transmitted to the appropriate locations for disposition.

    5.6   The DR Log sheet is now updated to reflect the authorized disposition.

    5.7   After an appropriate interval of time, to be determined by the individual case, verification of the authorized disposition                 portion is to be made, the verifier recording his findings and signing and dating this space on the DR.

    5.8   The Log sheet is now updated to reflect verification by recording the name of the verifier and the date the verification                    was made.



    6.1    DR and DR Log.

    6.2    Request for Deviation or Waiver.
7.0    ADDENDA

    7.1    Ideas for the improvement and/or revision of this QMP are encouraged from all who work with it.  Contact the                              Production Supervisor or Quality for assistance. 

0    37    Initial release    3/8/96    B. Roland



TITLE:    Printed copies are for REFERENCE ONLY.    SHEET 1 OF 5
WORK INSTRUCTIONS    Always check the latest revision before use.
    Refer to:
Quality Assurance    DATE: 12/19/95

1.0    PURPOSE

    1.1    To provide a system of control for documents and data related to the Roland and Whytock Quality System.



    2.1    ISO 9002  "Quality Systems--Model for Quality Assurance in Production, Installation and Servicing."

    2.2    QMP4.2.000  “Quality System.”

    2.3    QMP4.5.001  “Discrepancy Report.”

    2.4    QMP4.5.002  “Electronic Document Control System.”

    2.5    QMP4.5.003  “Control of customer Drawings and Specifications.”

    2.6    QMP4.16.000  “Control of Quality Records.”

    2.7    QMP4.17.000  “Internal Quality Audits.”

    2.8    Refer to the Master Index for the appropriate Level III documents where appplicable.


3.0    SCOPE

    3.1    Quality System documents and data that affect product quality.

    3.2    Control of customer drawings and specifications are addressed in QMP4.5.003. 

    3.3    Quality records are addressed in QMP4.16.000.


    4.1    General

        4.1.1    Document changes or issues are implemented and maintained via a Discrepancy
                    Report (RWF005).  The Discrepancy Report must be signed by Quality,
                    Management and the Production Supervisor in order to be considered valid.

        4.1.2    Quality documentation and data  is reviewed as defined by the internal audit schedule by
                    Quality to ensure continued correctness and applicability to the ISO 9002 standard.

        4.1.3    Individual holders of documents and data are responsible for the ongoing maintenance
                    of their documents.

        4.1.4    Obsolete documents and data are removed from use.

    4.2    Controlled documents are defined as those that directly affect product quality.

        4.2.1    Controlled documents are:

              •    Identified by a procedure.
              •    Maintained on a master index or list.
              •    Identified as to the document title, application, revision and authorization.
              •    Scheduled for planned reviews.
              •    Accessible.
              •    Stamped “CONTROLLED” in red.

        4.2.2  Where practical, controlled documents and data will reside on the Electronic Document
                  Control System.  Hard copies are uncontrolled (for reference only) unless stamped otherwise.

    4.3    Data is defined as data sheets supplied by an external source and used in the Quality system.

    4.4    All documents and data within the defined scope of this procedure are assigned a unique 
             document number.


    5.1    Documentation and Data Revision and Review

        5.1.1   New Quality System documents may be requested by any Roland and Whytock employee
                   by either requesting or generating a Discrepancy Report (DR).  A document draft
                   is prepared that outlines the procedural content.  The appropriate document format must be
                   used for submission to Quality for processing.

        5.1.2   Revisions to existing Quality System documents and data may be requested by any Roland
                   and Whytock employee and must include a DR.  The proposed procedure is to be clearly
                   marked as to the recommended change.

        5.1.3   Document and data drafts are sent to each department affected by the change for review. 
        5.1.4   Depending on the document it must be approved by the proper authority: all
                   Level II documents must be approved by the CEO and  Level III documents
                   by either Quality or the Production Supervisor.

    Sign off on the DR is considered evidence of approval.  The Approver’s name
                         must appear in the “Approved” box of the online document in order for the
                         document to be considered valid.
        5.1.5    Revision history is maintained within each document and shows the revision number -
                    REV., the DR number, the section(s) revised - DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE, the DR
                   DATE, and who the document  was changed BY.

    5.2    Document and Data Control

        5.2.1    Controlled documents and data  are identified as such with a red stamp and are maintained
                    by the designated issuees.  A master index noting date, revision, location or owner is
                    maintained by Quality.

    Controlled documents that are not identified with a red stamp are
                         to be considered uncontrolled.         
        5.2.2    New or revised documents or data are issued to a controlled distribution list.

        5.2.3    It is the responsibility of Quality to properly distribute the changes and destroy all prior obsolete issues.

        5.2.4    Documents are to be reissued after a practical number of changes have been made.
     5.2.5    Preliminary or interim documentation and data not yet ready for formal release will
                    be designated as such by the words "PROPOSED", "NOT RELEASED" or “DRAFT” 
                    in the document title.

    5.3    Internal Drawing Changes

        5.3.1    All changes to existing drawings are submitted via change notice to the Production Supervisor.  A marked up                                  drawing reflecting change is to accompany the DR and changes must be indicated on the DR and drawing. 

        5.3.2    The Production Supervisor and Quality are responsible for assuring changes are  implemented.

        5.3.3    The Production Supervisor reviews and approves drawing changes by signing  the DR.and distributes
    5.4    Customer Revisions to Existing Drawings

        5.4.1    Revisions to customer drawings/specifications are described in QMP4.5.003


        6.1        DR.

        6.2        Distribution list(s).

 7.0    ADDENDA

    7.1    Ideas for the improvement and/or revision of this QMP are encouraged from all who work with it.
            Contact the Production Supervisor or Quality for assistance.

0    37    Initial release    3/8/96    B. Roland



     "I would love to do it again, but to find a place now would be difficult," said Fred Coleman former owner and manager of the Bay Voyage Hotel, speaking about the popular summer cabaret that ran continuously in the hotel's lounge from 1977 to 1983.  "We had a good set up."
   Coleman and his late wife Nancy had been with the inn since 1970 when Fred took over as head of the restaurant, then in March of 1972, they became the managers.  The idea for the cabaret came as a suggestion as to how to fill the bar up.             
   In between the shows, the entertainers served drinks, which gave the audience a chance to talk to the singers.  Every year the shows were different and presented such themes as the Fifties, Gay Paree, Outer Space, and Country and Western.  His daughter Amy remembers that people would make reservations a season ahead to be sure they could get a seat.  And there were even some who attended every show of the cabaret's existence. "We were the best," said Fred.             
     Stars such as; Van Johnson, Tom Brokaw, Betty Hutton, Eddie Albert, The Smothers Brothers, Pernell Roberts, Reggie Jackson, and John Raitt stayed at the hotel and came to the shows.  Although none of them performed, Fred Coleman remembers how helpful Betty Hutton was to the young actors.  "She encouraged the kids.  She talked to them and told them how wonderful a job they were doing.  The performers really appreciated it."             
      The performers were chosen in the spring from a New York audition which drew about two hundred aspirants.  "I'd go there and sit, and they'd look at me and pray, these kids," said Fred.  From that number three women and two men were chosen.  A New York arranger was then hired to spend two to three weeks going over the routines before the show opened on Memorial Day.  For many years musical support was provided by a woman drummer, Karen Mellor, nicknamed "sticks" and a pianist, John "Iron fingers" Smith, who also served as musical director.   Lighting and sound were handled by Fred's daughter Amy.
    The performers, who rehearsed every day, were paid a minimum salary, but received free room and board and shared tips from their between show stints as waiters and waitresses.  One time Fred remembered when a girl decided to keep all the tips for herself by putting them into her wig.
   It got them out of New York for the summer said Fred, and many of the performers became friendly with Jamestown families.  One summer a famous conductor named Milton Rosenstock selected one of the performers to star in the musical "Grease," but the performer didn't go because he was in love with a Jamestown girl, whom he later married.  John Caleri, Bob Arnold and Larry Laverde were some of the performers who went on to star in stage and screen.  Fred's son Kurt remembers how sad he and his sister felt when their friends left at the end of each season.  "We were like a family," said Amy, who still remains in touch with a number of the performers.
    Asked about some of the more embarrassing situations that occurred during the cabaret, Fred Coleman recalled the night a woman about forty-five, who had escaped from an institution, got up on stage to sing.  She wore dark glasses and a kerchief and insisted upon singing  or she would use the pistol she had in her pocket.  On another night Amy remembers the performers got drunk in Newport, by the second set they had sobered up.  And Kurt remembers when a skunk was chased under the hotel by a family dog and decided to let everyone know about it.             
     "I never met anyone who doesn't tell me about the cabaret and brunch," said Fred Coleman.  "All I can say it was a fun time."
   Jamestown Press, June 1990.
     Lobsters have been a part of the New England tradition since the pilgrims.  First introduced as part of the first Thanksgiving, lobsters have remained a favorite for generations.  And so has the tradition of fishing for them.
    Lobsters are found inshore in the summer and in the deeper waters in winter from Labrador to North Carolina.  They are caught in wooden or wire pots baited with dead fish.
      Jamestown's only commercial fishing fleet, lobstermen Mark Goerner and Kevin Coleman, can be found working out of the Fort Wetherill pier.  Mark has been lobstering for about four years, while Kevin is now in his twenty first year. "This spot is only the real safe harbor for the small commercial fleet we have," said Mark Goerner.          
       "The idea of leaving the island to go fishing is kind of ridiculous. We've got a beautiful place here in the middle of the bay," he continued.              
        Each fishes throughout the year, in winter setting the pots around the bay.  In summer the pots are set as far away as ten miles off the coast.  Lobster traps are made either of oak or wire and because of new regulations must now contain escape vents for the smaller lobsters. 
         The vents can be either one rectangular shape with a minimum of  1 3/4" x 6" or two circular shaped vents with a minimum of 2 ¼”  diameter.  The minimum size of a lobster is 3 1/4", measured from the from the rear of the eye socket along a line parallel to the center  line of the body shell to the rear end of the carapace.  These regulations plus the decline in predators have helped to increase the population of the lobsters.  The price is now about five dollars a pound.              
        According to Coleman a survey done in Maine and Canada showed that wire pots catch about thirty percent of what’s landed. "Wooden pots are gone in about a year," he said.  Wire pots seem to work best for Goerner, while Coleman prefers wooden ones.  He emphasized that   the cost of adding escape vents to traps will be expensive for some of  the lobsterman. Coleman who has 900 pots prefers to string his bait, while Goerner uses both bait bags and strung bait in his 500 pots.  The  largest lobster Kevin ever caught weighed eight pounds, the biggest Mark ever encountered weighed about four.  Once the season starts both will go almost every day.  In winter fishing with fewer pots, they go out about twice a week.  Kevin used to take the winter off, but lately has fished the last two.  "It’s a lot easier to spend two month’s vacation than lobstering in the winter," he said.  Both men sell their lobsters to dealers in Newport.              
          Before he was a lobsterman, Goerner did commercial fishing, dragging and offshore lobstering.  Coleman started right after he got out of the service.  "I'm responsbile for myself," said Goerner.  "If I do anything good it’s my fault.  If I do anything bad it’s my fault.              
          "That's what I like about it. To me loberstering is money," said Coleman.


Jamestown Press, July, 1990.
Part of my blog for the 2017 launch of my novel "Patch of Dirt."     



     At the age of seven, I wanted to be a cowboy. I had my boots, hat, six shot cap pistol, holster, jeans, black shirt trimmed in white and a bandana. I was all set. From behind pillow forts, many Indians went to their happy hunting grounds, and I must have killed my younger brother hundreds of times. When he went through his cowboy phase, he got even.

The cowboy series on TV and radio became my early primer on the Wild West: Hopalong Cassidy, Wild Bill Hickok, The Cisco Kid, Roy Rogers, Gene Autry and who could forget The Lone Ranger.

     Saturday mornings were special times. The neighborhood "posse" would convene in a backyard and play at being a cowboy. There were fast draw competitions, broomstick horse races and chasing bad guys. Sometimes one of the neighborhood girls would show up, and we'd show off by horsing around.  Then the call for chow and we'd slope off to the nearest "ranch house." Toasted cheese never tasted as good.

     When you were seven, it was easy to dream about living in the West and how much you wanted to be like your idols. You thought you and the "posse" would go on forever and ride off into the sunset. It was not to be. About a year later the "posse" began to dwindle. Most joined the Cub Scouts. I was crushed. What could be more important than being a cowboy? I remember standing in a backyard with two others. We looked at each and walked away without saying anything.  Back home I stood in front of my bedroom mirror. I drew my pistol and fired at my image.

     Montana. The word conjured up wild, untamed nature where I’d discover spectacular places and unforgettable people. The real west. How would I fit in?

     I arrived at my cousin's ranch early Friday afternoon after classes at Montana State University. I'd never been to a working ranch before and didn't know what to expect. All I knew about these cousins was from a visit back east, letters and occasional phone calls. The ranch was about 200 yards off Route 191N in Garnneil Montana. The barren beauty of the brown March landscape mesmerized me as did the raw, overpowering beauty of the state.  I'd never seen anything like it before. I stopped a couple of times and got out. I could see for miles. The Snowy Mountains, topped with snow, to the west were fifty miles away. Even the air felt different and had a touch of sage and of land waiting for spring. How could I not be under the spell of the Big Sky country? Across the road from my cousin's were a large grain elevator and railroad tracks. A dirt road I passed had a post with several signs with names, some as much as forty miles away.

     I turned into my cousin's driveway.  There were no trees, a lot of sage, small junipers, a small herd of cattle, a red farmhouse, barn, land as flat as any I'd ever seen and a sky that went on forever. I stopped, opened the door of my car and climbed out. I was greeted warmly, then shown my room. I put my bag on the bed and joined them for coffee in the kitchen, after which Clarence showed me his ranch, 440 acres of wheat, three dozen cows, then worth about $300.00 a head which he had as insurance against any wheat losses.  Then back to the ranch house where I had more cups of black coffee.  I averaged at least six a day. The urn in the kitchen seemed to be bottomless. Tomorrow I'd help him with the morning chores which meant I had to be ready to get up early.

     At 5:30 there was the flush of a toilet, Clarence's way of making sure I was up. I was already awake and ready to go. I showered quickly, dressed and headed for the kitchen. Ham, eggs and more coffee, my cup sweetened with apricot brandy. At 6:30 the sun was just peeking above the horizon as we headed for the pickup followed by their two shepherd mix dogs. Both leaped into the cab for the short drive to the closest haystack. We loaded the truck with hay under the supervision of the two dogs who stared at us through the back window of the truck. The first load completed we started for the nearest field. Clarence put the truck into its lowest gear, and we climbed into the back ready to spread the hay. One of the dogs sat behind the steering wheel. "He likes to drive," was all Clarence said.  The cows meandered over when they saw the truck approach. Five more trips and the feeding was over. Then it was time to clean the barn and do a quick patrol of the ranch, stopping now and then to examine the fencing for any breaks or damage. It was after eleven when we returned to the house for more coffee. No apricot brandy this time.

      After lunch, Clarence suggested we hunt sage hens. He asked me if I could shoot. I told him I liked to shoot pigeons and an occasional squirrel.  He gave me an old .22 rifle and told me sage hens weren't pigeons. We then headed out into the fields. The sage hens weren't easy to find. After two hours I'd shot one and Clarence two.  He showed me how to remove the feathers by placing them into boiling water. Then cut their heads off and gut them. The smell of the boiling feathers and the sight of the guts almost did me in, but I knew I couldn't show any emotion. Afterward, Clarence said I did a good job for an Easterner and had earned myself a dinner of sage hen, which was a specialty of his wife, Betty Joan. He was right. The roasted sage hens with a touch of lemon and pepper were one of the best meals I ever had.  With my stomach full and feeling wonderfully tired I slept better than I had in years and through the morning's toilet flush.

                      Division prepares for ISO 14001 registration audit this month
By Richard Lutman, Code 551
     Certification, or registration as it is called in the U.S., is done by external third-party organizations called registrars who audit an organization’s Environmental Management System (EMS) in an unbiased manner. The Newport Division is in the process of selecting a registrar and has targeted the week of April 24 for the third-party ISO 14001 EMS registration audit.
Registration is accomplished through a series of document reviews and site visits and audits. The third-party auditors will evaluate a variety of issues associated with the Division’s EMS, including, but not limited to administrative processes, technical programs and operations, training and experience of personnel, regulatory requirements, environmental aspects and impacts, management review, and internal audit processes. 
     When the Division becomes ISO 14001 certified, it remains certified for a period of three years from the date of certification. Throughout this three-year period, the third-party auditors will look at Newport Division’s procedures, processes and operations and determine their continual conformance to the requirements (elements) of the ISO 14001 standard. 
Typically, there are five steps in the registration process. The Division will be involved in the following during the registration audit:

Step 1: Review of EMS Documentation
     The Division will submit documentation of its EMS to the third-party registrar for review. The documentation will include Division Newport's Environmental Policy, EMS Manual and Procedures, Department EMS Implementation Plans, and other documentation associated with the EMS. These documents indicate how the Division is meeting each clause in the ISO 14001 standard. At the completion of the review, a report will be generated by the registrar indicating the conformance of the documented EMS to each clause of the standard. 

Step 2: Pre-assessment Review
     A pre-assessment, or "dry run" is an option offered by most registrars to help an organization such as Newport Division determine its readiness for the registration audit. 
The registrar conducts an on-site visit in order to verify that the Division is prepared for a full registration audit. The on-site visit is also used to assess the resources and logistics necessary for the full registration audit.
This pre-assessment review usually lasts for three days. Based on the Division's readiness, the registrar could recommend during this time period that the Division proceed directly to the registration audit. If this is recommended, the pre-assessment audit will turn into the registration audit and the third-party auditors will remain on-site for four days.

Step 3: Registration Audit
   During the registration audit, third-party auditors conduct an on-site audit to evaluate and verify through objective evidence (interviews, procedures, records, etc.) that the Newport Division's EMS conforms to the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard, is effectively implemented, and has sufficient provisions to be maintained. 

Step 4: Registration Determination
     A final report containing the results of the registration audit is submitted to the Newport Division. To receive the certificate, the Division must successfully meet the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard. There are three possible results from a registration or surveillance audit. The registrar can determine that the Division is:
* Recommended for registration because there are no major nonconformities
* Recommended for registration following verification of corrective action(s). There are one or more major nonconformities that can be corrected and verified without a full re-audit.
* Recommended for an on-site reassessment. There are several major nonconformities, which indicate a breakdown of the EMS. Another full on-site audit is required. 

Step 5: Surveillance Audits
     Surveillance audits will be performed semi-annually to verify continuedconformance with the ISO 14001 standard. During the surveillance audits, third-party auditors will audit certain elements of the EMS. Over a one-year period, however, all of the elements of the EMS will be reviewed to ensure continued conformance to the requirements of the ISO 14001 standard.
     In order for Division Newport to achieve ISO 14001 certification and maintain status of a certified Environmental Management System, we need the continual support of all Newport Division personnel. Each employee has a stake in how the Division manages and accomplishes its environmental responsibilities and we need you to succeed. The Newport Division has chosen ISO 14001 as the standard for its Environmental Management System. It demonstrates our commitment to the environment and our future by maintaining a strong, effective program. 



















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